We are now just short of two weeks into the process of getting the D.A.D. for Bella. As the title of this post suggests we have been overwhelmed. We have been overwhelmed by the process of understanding Bella's disease, trying to keep a level of normalcy to our day to day existence, and mostly by the kindness and generosity of everyone. We have had help from childhood and high school friends, college friends, family, and complete strangers. As we are working on personal thank-you notes to all of you, I did want to post another thank you to everyone.
We appreciate all of the donations, kind words and offers of help we've gotten. We are completely humbled and grateful for all of you.
Please continue to share Bella's blog and Facebook page, we appreciate that too as it is really helps to make people aware of Bella's story.
We are now at
11% 12% of our total goal, and 23% of our one year goal!
thanks to
www.jlion.com for making this cool thermometer thing available too!
Wow I missed this post. Great start! Can not wait to come on board and raise some funds for Bella's dog. I have ideas jumping out of my head!! Ready to share !! Just call.